Update 3

Update 3 entails new viruses, weapons, a whole new background and much more.
New viruses:
-Worms: These slimy suckers are easy to kill but can easily blend in with the environment and sneak through the hordes of viruses directly to the red blood cells. Luckily you can follow the green trail of slime that follows them to find and exterminate them, but make sure to avoid the slime trail during a heavy chase as it slows you down.
-Cysts: Although easy to miss when they first spawn due to their size, the cyst slowly grows larger and larger before it reaches max capacity, and opens up a new entrance for viruses to spawn through. Cysts can show up anywhere in the arena and are very tough to kill but don't do any direct damage, only summoning viruses, most commonly the mini virus, and rarely the eater. Take these out as fast as you can so you don't get overwhelmed, but stay back once they pop, as they shoot out some damaging shards.
New weapon:
-Bullets: For those players who strive on perfection, the bullet arrives! The bullet has the slowest cooldown of all weapons, as well as the best accuracy and range, the bullet is basically a sniper rifle. Although it shoots 6 consecutive, relatively weak bullets, lining them all up on one virus is sure to obliterate them, and even damage the viruses behind them. Don't use this for crowd control but instead to pick off demon viruses on your trail or lines of mini viruses, unless you combine it with a powerup where it becomes a fully automatic machine gun.
New ability:
-MINI CELL!!!!!: By far the best addition to this new update is the mini cell! Although it takes a while to recharge in comparison to the laser and even the shield, the mini cell packs a punch and can get you out of any situation with aplomb. When you summon the mini cell he'll come running from a random corner of the screen, firing bullets appropriate for each target with pinpoint accuracy, even running towards fat viruses to obliterate them with close range shotgun blasts. After exhausting his arsenal, he runs off screen, firing at anybody he can during his exit, helping you for as long as he can. Save the mini cell for when your situation gets a bit too rough and you need a bit of backup, as the mini cell will deal with the overwhelming masses while you focus on your own endeavors, allowing you to return the virus levels back to optimal.
New general quality of life improvements:
-Bundles of viruses!: Watch out, as viruses have grown wary of Lucas White's immense virus extermination power and have become scared to travel alone! Sometimes you may encounter viruses traveling in groups, which can become quite devastating in tight situations. Watch out for bundles of mini viruses or worms from sneaking through the cracks and chewing up your red blood cells, or for bundles of demon viruses to shower you in harmful attacks, or even rarely, bundles of eater viruses, creating a near impenetrable wall of death. You may want to consider playing on an easier difficulty, or warming up in developer mode, as bundles of viruses are random and devastating.
-New background!: No longer is the bland, white and gray nonsensical template background, now from a new appropriate tile set comes a new appropriate background, which ensures you to feel as immersed into the role of Lucas White as possible.
-New points system!: Have you felt that your efforts against the hordes have been in vain? Now keep track of your points and highscore each time you load up the game to see how good at There Must Be Blood you are. Have fun and share your highscore with your friends, but don't try and cheat and rack up points in Developer mode, as point accumulation is disabled in dev mode.
-Color coded difficulties: To spice up things, each difficulties text has been personalized, making the distinction between difficulties ever easier.
-New menu background: As to celebrate the new update, brand new menu art is displayed.
-Visual cooldowns: The primitive text alerts of the old cooldowns are no more, as you are able to see at all times if one of your abilities is ready to execute, or how long until you can execute it.
-Escape to menu: Press the escape key to return to menu, allowing you to replay the game without having to exit out of the game and losing your highscore, or dying.
Get There Must Be Blood
There Must Be Blood
Play as a white blood cell defending a human from hordes of viruses!
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